IndieRE #70 by Civil Rádió, Budapest
In the Hungarian edition of the IndieRE Radio Show two hosts Ákos Cserháti and Dániel Kemény will present a selection of the last few months' releases. The show will start with some lighter rock songs, followed by a short break into electronic music, and then we'll arrive at Hungarian modern jazz, downtempo, alt-pop songs.
Featured artists/producers and labels:
The Palace: facebook | youtube
Carson Coma: facebook | web
Panel Surfers: facebook | bandcamp
Pál utcai fiúk (PUF): facebook | web
The Pontiac: facebook | web
Carbonfools: facebook | web
Azahriah: facebook | instagram
Saya Noé: facebook | web
Blansch: facebook | instagram
Úrfi: facebook | instagram
NaNi On the Run: facebook | youtube
Flanger Kids: facebook | instagram
01 The Palace – Lavina
02 The Palace – Madách tér
03 Carson Coma – Feldobom a követ
04 Panel Surfers – Hatos
05 Pál Utcai Fiúk – Köszi a halakat
06 The Pontiac – Ablakomból
07 Carbonfools – Lost in My Mind
08 Stadiumx, Sam Martin, Azahriah – Heaven
09 Saya Noé – In Motion
10 Blansch – Összetépett dal
11 Blansch – Szárnypróba
12 Blansch, Whoel – Éjjel Egyszerűbb
13 Úrfi – Öngyilkos bálnák
14 NaNi On the Run – Running River
15 Flanger Kids – No More Answers
Produced by Civil Rádió, Hungary.
Prepared, announced and mixed by Ákos Cserháti and Dániel Kemény.
Design by Jure Anžiček.