For this episode of Radio Muse, Radio Campus Paris shines a light on five artists orbiting around the Paris-based collective Planisphère. Created in 2018 with the goal of bringing into the spotlight up-and-coming artists of the experimental music scene, Planisphère organises underground events, hosts a bi-weekly radio show and even has its own label. While experimentation is a guiding principle in sound as well as image, their aesthetic spectrum is deliberately large. Abrasive techno sits alongside intimate folk, ambient and noise neighbour jazz and space rock.
For the next hour, we will meet five artists showcased on their label : electronic producer and synth wiz Dlght, sound artist, composer and spatialising sound engineer Amélie Nilles, free jazz goes folk supergroup Camoufleur, visual artist Charline Dally and one of the collective's founders, electronic artist Protokol.
FB : facebook.com/planisphere.sound
IG : instagram.com/planisphere.sound
BC : planispheresound.bandcamp.com
SC : soundcloud.com/planispheresound
FEATURED ARTISTS (in order of appearance)
Dlght is a renaissance man : architect, musician, visual artist, producer, radio host and label head, he puts out as many releases a year as he has fingers to play with. His latest release on Planisphère is Dans l'eau, a collection of tracks bridging the gap between ambient and breakbeat.
SC : soundcloud.com/dlghtbeats
Label FB : facebook.com/ABRICATALOG
Label BC : abricatalog.bandcamp.com
Label IG : instagram.com/abricatalog
Label Website : abri.work
Latest release on Planisphère : Dans l’eau - https://kuronekomedia.lnk.to/DansLEau
Amélie Nilles has had several epiphanies during her musical upbringing : playing drums as a teenager, she discovered Coltrane and Miles Davis ; during her jazz training, she came upon artists bringing together pop and sound design, such as Björk and Emilie Simon ; through her studies in musicology, she unveils the mysteries of sound in electroacoustic composition and sound spatialisation. On her EP A croqué le fruit étrange, Planisphère's first vinyl release, she revisits jazz standards with a concrete edge.
FB : facebook.com/amelienilles
SC : soundcloud.com/amelie-nilles
IG : instagram.com/amelie_nilles
Latest release on Planisphère : A croqué le fruit étrange – https://kuronekomedia.lnk.to/ACroqueLeFruitEtrange
Camoufleur can best be described as a supergroup. Composed of three free jazz musicians and a singer-songwriter, the group released an album of half-improvised, half-written folk songs that are as sparse and poetic as they are filled with uncompromising energy. OK Dylan,, released in late 2020 on Planisphère, is one of the more singular entries of the label's catalogue.
Latest release on Planisphère : OK Dylan, - https://planispheresound.bandcamp.com/album/ok-dylan
Visual artist Charline Dally has made her way from Parisian visual label Oyé to Montreal's experimental scene back to France. After a period of extended jams with electronic musician Olivier Landry-Gagnon, the duo released the audiovisual album spectre on Planisphère in October 2020.
Website : charlinedally.com
IG : instagram.com/charline_dally
Latest release on Planisphère : spectre - https://planispheresound.bandcamp.com/album/spectre
Prōtokol is one of the founders of the Planisphère collective and the label's main resident. A frequent composer of film soundtracks and music for art installations, he put out two releases on Planisphère, Lueur Crépusculaire in February 2020, covering noise, techno and ambient, and the drone/ambient leaning Kowuq : Prolegomena in 2021.
FB : facebook.com/protokolofficiel
SC : soundcloud.com/protokolofficiel
IG : instagram.com/lucbydon.protokol
Latest release on Planisphère : Kowuq : Prolegomena - https://kuronekomedia.lnk.to/KowuqProlegomena
Dlght is Thomas David.
Camoufleur is Basile Naudet, Louis Prado, Johan Saint and Luca Ventimiglia.
Prōtokol is Luc Bydon.
PLAYLIST (Artist – Song (Album, Year))
01 Dlght – Inmotion (Dans l’eau, 2021)
02 Amélie Nilles – Caravan (A croqué le fruit étrange, 2021)
03 Camoufleur – Scaphandriers (OK Dylan,, 2020)
04 olivier landry-gagnon & charline dally - ◡ (spectre, 2020)
05 Prōtokol – Kowuq III (Kowuq : Prolegomena, 2021)
Radio Campus Paris, association Une radio étudiante à Paris !, Paris, Île-de-France, France.
Interviews : Luc Bydon, Philipp Fischer, Matthieu Turcq
Translation : Philipp Fischer
Voice-over : Philipp Fischer, Agathe Josso, Hugo Leroi
Editing : Philipp Fischer