IndieRE #86 by Civil Rádió, Budapest
In the latest edition of the IndieRE radio show, Ákos Cserháti and Dániel Kemény present a selection of deeper underground pop songs. The show starts with a big returning band, Meztelen diplomaták, and then we dive into the world of downtempo, jazz, alternative rock and a bit of hip-hop. For example, we cover the recent album by Jazzbois, introduce the Organika Sound project, which mixes genres very artfully, but also give you a little insight into the night in Budapest, where toldyuuso recently shot a video for his latest track with young up-and-coming artists. We also feature the latest album by Gorlo Volka and some returning artists, including some music from Magidom's recent album. Listen to the selection on your favourite community radio stations!
Featured artists/producers and labels:
Meztelen diplomaták: youtube | facebook
Magidom: youtube | facebook
Kolibri: youtube | facebook
Gorlo Volka: web | facebook
Anchorheart: youtube
Konyha: web | youtube | facebook
Towpe: bandcamp | facebook
Úrfi: facebook | instagram
toldyuuso: youtube | instagram
Puzzls: web | youtube | facebook | instagram
Jazzbois: youtube | facebook | instagram
Organika Sound: facebook | instagram
Agavoid: bandcamp | facebook
Lenkke_: facebook | instagram
01 Meztelen diplomaták – Hanyattdőlök (3:48) (Hanyattdőlök, self-released, 2023)
02 Magidom – Mosom a kezeim (3:31) (Esendő Halandó, self-released, 2023)
03 Kolibri – Keiko (7:33) (Keiko, Banana Records, 2023)
04 Gorlo Volka – Csended (3:00) (Titok, self-released, 2023)
05 Anchorheart – PizzaBox (3:40) (PizzaBox, self-released, 2023)
06 Konyha – Én és a pezsgőm (2:51) (Én és a pezsgőm, Mmm Records, 2023)
07 Towpe – Bloomer (4:01) (Bower of Bliss, self-released, 2023)
08 Úrfi – Tsatsi (3:22) (Tsatsi, self-released, 2023)
09 toldyuuso – Oxytocin (ft. Böbe, Blansch, Rose May) (2:43) (Oxytocin, Yuu, 2023)
10 Puzzls – Try to read between the lines (2:08) (Try to read between the lines, self-released, 2023)
11 Jazzbois – Creator (3:16) (Higher Dimension Waiting Room, Blunt Shelter Records, 2023)
12 Organika Sound – Amazona (3:28) (Amazona, self-released, 2023)
13 Agavoid – Sötétben (4:01) (Sötétben, Pluto Sound, 2023)
14 Lenkke_ – Gödör (3:34) (Gödör/Szélnek eresztett, GrapefruitMoon Records, 2023)
Produced by Civil Rádió, Hungary.
Prepared, announced and mixed by Ákos Cserháti and Dániel Kemény.
Design by Jure Anžiček.